Senior Members

Themis Exarchos
Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, Ionian University
General information
Themis Exarchos is an Assistant Professor of Data Modeling and Decision Support Systems in the Dept. of Informatics, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece and member of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory in the same Department. He holds an Engineering Diploma, from the Dept. of Computer Engineering and Informatics of University of Patras and a PhD in Medical Informatics from the Medical School of the University of Ioannina. He has more than 65 publication in journals, more than 80 publications in conference proceeding and more that 15 publications in books. He has worked for more than 15 years in research and development projects, funded by EU and other bodies. He is collaborating with various institutes and universities in Greece and abroad. He is also a visiting professor in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. He is participating in several committees for regional, national and European proposal evaluation.
Research interests
His research interests include data modeling and mining, healthcare decision support systems, big data analytics and biomedical informatics.

Dr. Vasileios Karyotis
Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University
General Information
Dr. Vasileios Karyotis received his received my PhD in ECE from NTUA in June 2009, an MSc in Electrical Engineering from the School of Electrical & Systems Engineering (SEAS) of the University of Pennsylvania in August 2005 and a BSc in ECE from NTUA, in June 2004. He is curently an associate professor at the Department of Informatics, Ionian University.
Research Interests
- Network Science: complex network analysis & dynamic network processes
- Cross-layer design, topology control and Cognitive Radio networks
- Malware propagation modeling
- Big network data
- Resource allocation, QoS, routing, capacity-delay in decentralized and autonomous networks

Dr. Theodore Andronikos
Professor at the Department of Informatics at Ionian University
General Information
Dr. Theodore Andronikos is Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics at Ionian University. He received his diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens. He holds Ph.D. in Computer Science from the same University. He was also as Postdoctoral researcher at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at National Technical University of Athens.
Research Interests
His research mainly concern Internet programming, Dynamic scheduling algorithms for parallel and distributed heterogeneous systems, Query languages and inference engines for ontologies and the semantic the web, Quantum computation and quantum automata, Probabilistic automata and automata on infinite objects, Temporal logics for automated synthesis and verification of reactive systems

Dr. Panos Kourouthanassis
Professor at the Ionian University
General Information
Dr. Panos E. Kourouthanassis holds a PhD in Information Systems and an MSc in Decision Sciences specialised in eBusiness. He is currently adjunct lecturer at the University of the Aegean and senior research officer at the Wireless Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics, Ionian University in Corfu, Greece.
Research Interests
- Information Systems
- eBusiness
- Electronic government

Dr. Christoforos Ntantogian
Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University
General Information
Dr. Christoforos Ntantogian received his B.Sc degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications in 2004 and his M.Sc degree in Computer Systems Technology in 2006 both from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of University of Athens. In 2009 he received his Ph.D. from the University of Athens (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications). Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics of the Ionian University. He has participated in numerous projects realized in the context of EU Programs (H2020, FP7). His research interests lie in system and network security.
Research Interests
- Mobile and wireless network security
- Internet of Things Security
- Authentication
- Software security
- Intrusion detection
- Attack analysis and response
- Malware analysis
Area of expertise
Computer and Network Security

Dr. Spyridon Doukakis
General Information
Spyridon (Spyros) Doukakis is an Assistant Professor of Digital Technologies for Education in the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece and member of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory in the same Department. He holds a BSc in Mathematics and a BSc in Computer Engineering, MSc degrees in Computer Communications and Networks and in Basic and Applied Cognitive Sciences and a MEd in Education. He earned his PhD in Education and Digital Technologies and he completed his postdoctoral research at Ionian University in the field of educational neuroscience. He has received a Fulbright Visiting scholarship where he was a visiting researcher at Villanova University, USA. Moreover, he has been awarded with the Harvard Prize Book Teacher Award. Ηe is working in research and development projects, funded by EU and other bodies and participating in regional, national and European committees.
His research interests include educational neuroscience, computing education, distance learning and educational technology.

Aristidis G. Vrahatis
General Information
Aristidis (Aris) Vrahatis is an Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Modeling Complex Systems, in the Department of Informatics, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, and a member of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory in the same Department. He received his Ph.D. in 2016 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, where he graduated in 2011 and received his M.Sc. Diploma in the program ‘Computer Science and Technology’ in 2012. He has more than 40 publications in journals and conference proceedings, including Oxford Bioinformatics, BMC genomics, IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, and Cellular and molecular life sciences. He has worked for more than 10 years in research and development projects, funded by the EU and other bodies.
Research interests
His research interests include Machine Learning, Biomedical Data Mining, Biological Complex Systems Modeling, and Network Medicine

Marios Krokidis
General Information
Marios Krokidis is Assistant Professor of Computational Molecular Biomedicine and Drug Modeling at the Ionian University Informatics Department, Corfu, Greece and member of the Bioinformatics and Human Electrophysiology Laboratory. He received his PhD from the Medical School of Patras University and holds a B.S. degree in Chemistry and a MSc degree in Drug Design and Development from the same University. He has been a Visiting Research Fellow at Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos and the Ionian University Informatics Department supported by competitive European (FP7, H2020) and national grants.
Research Interests
His research interests include Computational Biomedicine, Molecular Analysis and Biomarkers Discovery, Computational Drug Design and Structural Bioinformatics.