Collaborating Faculty

Dr. Dimitrios P. Vlachakis
Assistant Professor, Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology,Agricultural University of Athens
General Information
Dr. Vlachakis leads the Dark DNA group at the Genetics Laboratory (headed by Prof. Elias Eliopoulos) at the Biotechnology Department, School of Applied Biology and Biotechnology of the Agr. University of Athens.

Dr. Theodoros Arvanitis
Professor of e-Health Innovation and Head of Research at the Institute of Digital Healthcare, WMG, at University of Warwick
General Information
Dr Theodoros Arvanitis is a Professor of e-Health Innovation and Head of Research at the Institute of Digital Healthcare, WMG, at University of Warwick. He also holds the post of co-Director of the West Midlands AHSN Digital Theme. He received his RT (BSc) degree (medical radiological technology) from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece, and his DPhil (biomedical engineering) from the University of Sussex, UK. His postdoctoral work at the University of Sussex included a lab director/research fellow post at the Trafford Centre for Medical Research and a full-time lectureship in the School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences .
Research Interests
His research interests span the areas of biomedical engineering, neuroimaging and health informatics.

Dr. Maria Hadjinicolaou
Professor and the Dean of the School of Science and Technology at the Hellenic Open University
General Information
Dr. Hadjinicolaou Maria is a Professor and the Dean of the School of Science and Technology at the Hellenic Open University. She received her diploma in Mathematics from University of Patras and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of University of Patras. She was a post-doctoral Researcher in Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and High-Temperature Chemical Processes and at Department of Mechanical and Aeronautics University of Patras
Research Interests
Her research interest mainly concern quantitative methods in Applied mathematics, Partial Differential Equations, Boundary value problems in spherical and non-spherical geometry (Spheroidal , bispherical, ellipsoidal,etc), Spectral decomposition of Tensors of Mathematical Physics, the Fokas method, Stokes flow, Mathematical modelling in biosciences (flow of biologigal fluids, tumor growth, imaging techniques), Wave propagation, Direct and inverse Scattering problems non invasive techniques for testing.

Dr. Foteini Kariotou
Assistant Professor of the School of Science and Technology at the Hellenic Open University
General Information
Dr. Foteini Kariotou is an Assistant Professor of the School of Science and Technology at the Hellenic Open University. She received her diploma in Mathematics from University of Patras and her Ph.D. from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School of University of Patras.
Research Interests
Her research interest mainly concern Boundary Value Problems in Ellipsoidal Geometry, Analysis of Biomedical Models – Tumour Growth, Brain Imaging, Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems, Wave Theory in Acoustics, Electromagnetism and Thermoelasticity, Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics.

Prof. Georgios Kontogeorgis
Chair in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Thermodynamics and Chairman of Center for Energy Resources Engineering in Technical University of Denmark
General Information
Dr. Georgios Kontogeorgis is a Professor and Chair in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Thermodynamics in Technical University of Denmark and Chairman of Center for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE-DTU) in Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in Technical University of Denmark (DTU). He received his master degree in Chemical Engineering from National Technical University of Athens and his Ph.D. degree in Polymer thermodynamics from the Technical University of Denmark.
Research Interest
His research interest mainly concern Energy (especially thermodynamic models for the petroleum, chemical and biochemical industries), Environment (CO2 capture, fate of chemicals), Materials and Nanotechnology (polymers – paints, product design, colloid & surface chemistry), and Biotechnology (thermodynamics, pharmaceuticals).

Dr. Vilelmini Sosoni
Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting at the Ionian University
General Information
Dr Vilelmini Sosoni is Assistant Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting at the Ionian University in Corfu, Greece, where she teaches Legal and Economic Translation, EU texts Translation and Terminology, Translation Technology, Translation Project Management and Audiovisual Translation (AVT). In the past, she taught Specialised Translation in the UK at the University of Surrey, the University of Westminster and Roehampton University, and in Greece at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Institut Français d’ Athènes. She also has extensive industrial experience having worked as translator, editor and subtitler. She holds a BA in English Language and Linguistics from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MA in Translation and a PhD in Translation and Text Linguistics from the University of Surrey.
Research Interests
Her research interests lie in the areas of Corpus Linguistics, Machine Translation (MT), Cognitive Studies, Translation of Institutional Texts and AVT. She is a founding member of the Research Lab “Language and Politics” of the Ionian University and a member of the “Centre for Research in Translation and Transcultural Studies” of Roehampton University. She has participated in several EU-funded projects, notably TraMOOC, Eurolect Observatory and Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Linguistic Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law, while she has edited several volumes and books on translation and published numerous articles in international journals and collective volumes.
Marija Sajic, MD Ph.D.
Senior research associate, Department of Neuroinflammation, Institute of Neurology, UCL.
General Information
Senior research associate, Department of Neuroinflammation, Institute of Neurology, UCL.
PREVIOUS POSITION: Medical intern– house officer (2002-2003), University Hospital and Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Hospital Universitario “12 de Octubre”, Madrid, Spain (2003).

Dr. Ilias Kotsireas
Professor in Physics & Computer Science in Wilfried Laurier University-Waterloo
General Information
Dr. Ilias Kotsireas is Professor in Physics & Computer Science in Wilfried Laurier University-Waterloo. He received his B.Sc. from Department of Mathematics from University of Athens and his Ph. from Department of Computer Science from Universite Paris 6.
Research Interests
His research mainly concern Genetic Algorithms, Symbolic Computation, Computer and Computational Algebra, Combinatorial Matrix Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorial Designs, Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics.

Maria Bottis
Professor of Information Law
General Information
Maria Bottis is a Professor of Information Law with emphasis on intellectual property and data protection law at the Ionian University. She is a holder of an LLM (Cambridge), a LLM (Yale), and was appointed Faculty Fellow on medical information law and ethics, 2000-2001, at Harvard University, Edmond Safra Center for Ethics. She has founded the International Conference of Information Law series and the Medical Liability and Bioethics conferences in Greece. She is the Scientific coordinator for Grecee at the SIENNA Horizon 2020 project (Stakeholder- informed Ethics for New Technologies with High Socio-Economic and Human Rights Impact) and heads The Sienna Network, aiming at the diffusion of the SIENNA scientific reports and outcomes, and generally the development of research on Bioethics and new technologies.

Panagiotis Kormas
M.D., Ph.D., Orthopaedic Surgeon
General Information
Panagiotis Kormas, M.D., Ph.D., is an orthopaedic surgeon. He completed his orthopaedic residency at KAT General Hospital of Attica where he also undertook an internship in microsurgery. Until recently, he was a member of the Central Board of Health (KESY), the advisory body related to the structure and operation of the National Health System. He has also served as vice-president of the National Emergency Center (EKAV), where he managed matters of education and promotion of Primary Health Care. Currently, in addition to his medical and surgical practice, he is also a Special Administration Counselor on health issues and a Medical Services Coordinator at ETHNIKI Hellenic General Insurance Company. On what concerns his research interests, he is part of the International Advisory Committee of the Hellenic Initiative Against Alzheimer’s Disease (HIAAD). He is also an associate of the Applied Philosophy Research Laboratory of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His research and scientific work has been published in various international medical journals and conference proceedings.